ZAP - Twenty-five years of Innovation

Author(s): Jonathan M Woodham, Neil Butler, Roger Ely, Liz Agiss, Ian Smith, Simon Fanshawe, Sian Thomas, Richard Paul-Jones, Paul Kemp, Mark Waugh, Polly Marshall, Gavin Henderson, Paul Collard, Jane McMorrow, Dave Reeves, Rebecca Ball, Karen Poley

Co-authors:, Linda Verrall, Desktop Display, Liz Agiss, Polly Marshall, Ken Turner, Tony Lidington and Richard Paul-Jones for collecting, checking and proofing content

Contributers: Max Crisfield

Editing team: Desktop Display (Zap Facts), Harrison & Co Creative (design), QueenSpark (managing editoria), (Zap Memories), Zap Art (archive)

Published: 2007

Printer: Urban Life Support

ISBN: 978-0-904733-33-4

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